Ce diagramme montre la sémantique minimum d'un objet métier. Un Objet métier n'est rien d'autre qu'une classe qui contient des propriététés. Une propriété est définie par du meta-data et une valeur.
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOProperty [API] | Abstraction of property for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBusinessObjectSet [API] | Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject with setter for values. |
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_IconsOwner [API] | Abstraction of a container of icon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelIconOwner [API] | Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] | Interface for Object with labels, descriptions. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] | Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_TsOwner [API] | TimeStamp owner. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOMetaData [API] | Abstraction of BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOMetaDataSimple [API] | Abstraction of BusinessObject. |
Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces de GB_BOProperty. GB_BOProperty définie le meta-data d'une propriétée d'un objet métier. On voit ici que pour des besoins de modularité, cette interface utilise de nombreuses autres interfaces très simples.
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_IconsOwner [API] | Abstraction of a container of icon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_IndexOwner [API] | Abstraction of a Object with index. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelIconOwner [API] | Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] | Interface for Object with labels, descriptions. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_NameOwner [API] | Abstraction of a Object with name. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] | Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_TsOwner [API] | TimeStamp owner. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_TypeOwner [API] | Abstraction of a Object with type. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOProperty [API] | Abstraction of property for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOPropertySet [API] | Abstraction of GB_BOProperty. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOPropertySimple [API] | Abstraction of BusinessObjectProperty. |
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBOValue [API] | Container of value(s) for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBOValueSet [API] | Container of value(s) for BusinessObject for updatable value(s). |
Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces des Objet métier. GB_SimpleBusinessObject etant l'interface minimale. GB_BusinessObjectDefault étant l'interface utilisée par l'implémentation du framework qui offre beaucoup plus de possibilités.
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_Debugable [API] | Interface for Object with method to debug. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_MementoCompliant [API] | Abstraction of object that accept the usage of memento pattern. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_Unregisterable [API] | Interface for Object that can unregister. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOParentOwner [API] | Abstraction. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOParentOwnerSet [API] | Abstraction. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOValueOwner [API] | Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject.. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BusinessObject [API] | Abstraction of a BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBusinessObject [API] | Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBusinessObjectSet [API] | Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject with setter for values. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BusinessObjectAbstract [API] | Default abstract implementattion of GB_SimpleBusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BusinessObjectDefault [API] | Default implementation for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BusinessObjectSimpleAbstract [API] | Default implementation for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo | GB_BOMetaModel [API] | Abstraction of business object of meta model. |
Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces de GB_BOProperty et les implémentation par défaut de gb-fwk. L'implémentation utilisée par GB_BusinessObjectDefault étant GB_BOPropertyNode.
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOProperty [API] | Abstraction of property for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo | GB_BOPropertyBO [API] | Class GB_BOPropertyBO. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl | GB_BOPropertyRef [API] | Implementation of a GB_BOProperty using a refId to refer to an other property. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.node | GB_BOPropertyNode [API] | Class GB_BOPropertyNode. |
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_IconsOwner [API] | Abstraction of a container of icon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_IndexOwner [API] | Abstraction of a Object with index. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_Item [API] | Interface to reprensent an item. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelIconOwner [API] | Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] | Interface for Object with labels, descriptions. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_NameOwner [API] | Abstraction of a Object with name. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] | Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_ValueOwner [API] | Abstraction of object that have read value. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_BOEnumItem [API] | Interface for EnumItem |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo | GB_BOEnumItemBO [API] | Class GB_BOEnumItemBO. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.node | GB_BOEnumItemNode [API] | Class GB_BOEnumItemNode. |
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.old | GB_BOEnumItemNode3 [API] | Default implementation of GB_BOEnumItem. |
Ce diagramme montre les trois implémentations de GB_SimpleBOValue: GB_BOValueSingle, GB_BOValueMulti et GB_BOValueMap. On peut aussi voir ici les interfaces qui sont utilisées dans ces implémentations.
Package | Class | Description |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_MyPropertyOwner [API] | Interface GB_MyPropertyOwner. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_ValueOwnerSet [API] | Abstraction of object that have read-write value. |
com.loribel.commons.abstraction | GB_ValuesOwnerSet [API] | Abstraction of object that have read-write value. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBOValue [API] | Container of value(s) for BusinessObject. |
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction | GB_SimpleBOValueSet [API] | Container of value(s) for BusinessObject for updatable value(s). |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BOValueAbstract [API] | Default abstract implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BOValueMap [API] | Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for map values. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BOValueMulti [API] | Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for multi values. |
com.loribel.commons.business | GB_BOValueSingle [API] | Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for single value. |