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1   package com.loribel.commons.abstraction;
3   /***
4    * Abstraction of object that accept the usage of memento pattern.
5    * <br />
6    *
7    * @author Grégory Borelli
8    * @version 2003/11/21 - 16:42:16 - gen 7.12
9    */
10  public interface GB_MementoCompliant
11  {
13      /***
14       * Install a memento to an object.
15       *
16       * @param a_memento GB_Memento - the memento used to restore the value
17       */
18      void installMemento(
19              GB_Memento a_memento);
21      /***
22       * Create a new memento for this object.
23       *
24       * @return GB_Memento
25       */
26      GB_Memento newMemento();
28  }