Diagrammes du 'BusinessObject model'

Abstraction du modèle


Ce diagramme montre la sémantique minimum d'un objet métier. Un Objet métier n'est rien d'autre qu'une classe qui contient des propriététés. Une propriété est définie par du meta-data et une valeur.

com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOProperty [API] Abstraction of property for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBusinessObjectSet [API] Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject with setter for values.


com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_IconsOwner [API] Abstraction of a container of icon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelIconOwner [API] Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] Interface for Object with labels, descriptions.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_TsOwner [API] TimeStamp owner.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOMetaData [API] Abstraction of BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOMetaDataSimple [API] Abstraction of BusinessObject.


Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces de GB_BOProperty. GB_BOProperty définie le meta-data d'une propriétée d'un objet métier. On voit ici que pour des besoins de modularité, cette interface utilise de nombreuses autres interfaces très simples.

com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_IconsOwner [API] Abstraction of a container of icon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_IndexOwner [API] Abstraction of a Object with index.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelIconOwner [API] Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] Interface for Object with labels, descriptions.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_NameOwner [API] Abstraction of a Object with name.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_TsOwner [API] TimeStamp owner.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_TypeOwner [API] Abstraction of a Object with type.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOProperty [API] Abstraction of property for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOPropertySet [API] Abstraction of GB_BOProperty.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOPropertySimple [API] Abstraction of BusinessObjectProperty.


com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBOValue [API] Container of value(s) for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBOValueSet [API] Container of value(s) for BusinessObject for updatable value(s).

Implémentation du modèle


Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces des Objet métier. GB_SimpleBusinessObject etant l'interface minimale. GB_BusinessObjectDefault étant l'interface utilisée par l'implémentation du framework qui offre beaucoup plus de possibilités.

com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_Debugable [API] Interface for Object with method to debug.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_MementoCompliant [API] Abstraction of object that accept the usage of memento pattern.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_Unregisterable [API] Interface for Object that can unregister.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOParentOwner [API] Abstraction.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOParentOwnerSet [API] Abstraction.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOValueOwner [API] Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject..
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BusinessObject [API] Abstraction of a BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBusinessObject [API] Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBusinessObjectSet [API] Abstraction of a simple BusinessObject with setter for values.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BusinessObjectAbstract [API] Default abstract implementattion of GB_SimpleBusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BusinessObjectDefault [API] Default implementation for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BusinessObjectSimpleAbstract [API] Default implementation for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo GB_BOMetaModel [API] Abstraction of business object of meta model.

GB_BOProperty hiérarchie

Diagramme qui explique la hiérarchie d'interfaces de GB_BOProperty et les implémentation par défaut de gb-fwk. L'implémentation utilisée par GB_BusinessObjectDefault étant GB_BOPropertyNode.

com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOProperty [API] Abstraction of property for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo GB_BOPropertyBO [API] Class GB_BOPropertyBO.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl GB_BOPropertyRef [API] Implementation of a GB_BOProperty using a refId to refer to an other property.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.node GB_BOPropertyNode [API] Class GB_BOPropertyNode.

GB_BOEnumItem hiérarchie

com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_IconsOwner [API] Abstraction of a container of icon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_IndexOwner [API] Abstraction of a Object with index.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_Item [API] Interface to reprensent an item.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelIconOwner [API] Interface for Object that are linked to a GB_LabelIcon.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_LabelsDescOwner [API] Interface for Object with labels, descriptions.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_NameOwner [API] Abstraction of a Object with name.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_NodeConfigOwner [API] Generic Abstraction of a component witch own XML node as config.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_ValueOwner [API] Abstraction of object that have read value.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_BOEnumItem [API] Interface for EnumItem
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.bo GB_BOEnumItemBO [API] Class GB_BOEnumItemBO.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.node GB_BOEnumItemNode [API] Class GB_BOEnumItemNode.
com.loribel.commons.business.impl.old GB_BOEnumItemNode3 [API] Default implementation of GB_BOEnumItem.


Ce diagramme montre les trois implémentations de GB_SimpleBOValue: GB_BOValueSingle, GB_BOValueMulti et GB_BOValueMap. On peut aussi voir ici les interfaces qui sont utilisées dans ces implémentations.

com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_MyPropertyOwner [API] Interface GB_MyPropertyOwner.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_ValueOwnerSet [API] Abstraction of object that have read-write value.
com.loribel.commons.abstraction GB_ValuesOwnerSet [API] Abstraction of object that have read-write value.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBOValue [API] Container of value(s) for BusinessObject.
com.loribel.commons.business.abstraction GB_SimpleBOValueSet [API] Container of value(s) for BusinessObject for updatable value(s).
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BOValueAbstract [API] Default abstract implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BOValueMap [API] Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for map values.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BOValueMulti [API] Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for multi values.
com.loribel.commons.business GB_BOValueSingle [API] Default implementation of GB_SimpleBOValue for single value.